Job Application

Developing competence and reducing risk in the offshore energy market

Empire Trusthold Aberdeen Empire Trusthold Houma Empire Trusthold Houston Empire Trusthold Kaz Empire Trusthold Luanda Empire Trusthold Abu Dhabi Empire Trusthold Singapore Empire Trusthold Australia Qatar RelyOn Nutec
2 yearly Hydraulic & Friction Clutch Assessment Training Centre
Advanced Rigger (Level 3)
Aerial Lift
Crane Inspection Course
Appliance Rigging
Appointed Person
Banksman Slinger/Gantry Crane
Banksman Slinging & Rigging Simple Lifting Operations
Basic Slinging/Lifting Operations
Crane Coaching Mentoring
Contract Support Assignments
Crane Maintenance
EA1 Crane Maintenance Training
EA1 Crane Operator Training & Familiarisation
EA1 Crane Operator Training & Train the Trainer Assessment
Electrics for Hydraulics Engineers/Proportional Control
Emergency Crane Operations Training
Forklift Operator Training
Gantry Crane Training (availability offshore)
HSE Lifting Operations Training Programme
H1 Hydraulics Competence Assessment
Hydraulic Awareness
Hydraulic Safety, Hose and Fittings Practical Course
Intermediate Rigger (Level 2)
Knuckle Boom Crane Training - Simulator
Level 1 Hydraulics Training Programme
Level 2 Hydraulics Training Programme
Lift Plan Risk Assessment
Lift Planning
Lift Planning Coaching
Lifting Appreciation
Lifting Equipment User
Lifting Operations Training
Lifting Supervisor/Deck Foreman
LOLER Competent Person Training
Long Line Simulator Development Training
Mobile Crane Operator & Rigger
Offshore Crane Appreciation
Offshore Crane Operator stage 1 & 2 Combined Training
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 Assessement
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 1 Training /evaluation
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Assessment - theory only
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Training / Assessment
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Assessment - Friction Clutch
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Assessment With Knuckle Boom
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Re-Assessment
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Assessment
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Assessment with Knuckleboom
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Pre-Competence Assessment
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Re-Assessment
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Re-Assessment - theory only
Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 Re-assessment on Simulator
Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklift)
Powered Overhead Crane Inspector
Powered Overhead Crane Operator
Proportional Control
Qualified Rigger (API RP 2D)
Reaction and Awareness Training
Rigging Loft Management / Lifting Equipment Inspection
Scissor Lift
Simulator Development - Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2
Simulator Development - Offshore Crane Operator stage 3
Simulator Development programme
Empire Trusthold Banksman & Slinger Operations stage 1
Empire Trusthold Banksman & Slinger Stage 3
Empire Trusthold Banksman / Slinger Training
Empire Trusthold Certified Rigger & Slinger Foundation Training Course
Empire Trusthold Rigging & Lifting Stage 1
Working at Height
Wire Rope Inspection
Empire Trusthold Aberdeen Empire Trusthold Houma Empire Trusthold Houston Empire Trusthold Kaz Empire Trusthold Luanda Empire Trusthold Abu Dhabi Empire Trusthold Singapore Empire Trusthold Australia Qatar RelyOn Nutec
OPITO Approved Banksman & Slinger Competence Assessment/re-assessment
OPITO Approved Banksman & Slinger Initial Training
OPITO Approved LOLER Competent Person Assessment/re-assessment
OPITO Approved Rigger Competence Assessment/re-assessment
OPITO Approved Rigger Initial Training
Empire Trusthold Aberdeen Empire Trusthold Houma Empire Trusthold Houston Empire Trusthold Kaz Empire Trusthold Luanda Empire Trusthold Abu Dhabi Empire Trusthold Singapore Empire Trusthold Australia Qatar RelyOn Nutec
Rope Access level 1
Rope Access Level 2