

Lifting equipment examinations, NDT and DROPS surveys to maximise safety and integrity of equipment across the industrial sector.

As a specialist in the field of lifting equipment, we provide our clients with thorough examinations, management and testing. Both Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) are ingrained in everything we do and we work in compliance with SI2307, SI2306, SI2183 and SI2184.

Empire Trusthold Inspection Services have the capabilities to produce bespoke examination schemes. An examination scheme is a risk-based inspection methodology to ascertain the optimum thorough examination regime. The benefits of which include a reduction in the risk of equipment failure, increased safety of equipment with additional oversight and management, and reducing the number of on-site inspection days by adopting a sustainable approach for statutory thorough examinations.

To carry out diligent inspections, rope access is used as a safe, flexible, and efficient way of undertaking inspection at height. It is integrated into all parts of our service delivery and can be streamlined to work to individual customer requirements. We make it a priority to train people so that we can speed up processes and create simplicity around inspections.

Our NDT (Non-Destructive-Testing) services include:

  • Structural Inspections
  • Crane & mechanical handling equipment
  • Pipework & Pressure Vessels
  • Drilling & Subsea Tools
  • Special Periodic Surveys (SPS)

Using a range of traditional and advanced techniques:

  • Visual inspection (VI)
  • Magnetic particle inspection (MPI)
  • Liquid penetrant inspection (LPI)
  • Ultrasonic inspection (UT)
  • Eddy current inspection (EC)
  • Wire rope NDT (E-Mag/MRT)
  • Phased Array Ultrasonics (PAUT).

Our client portal (Connect) offers maximum convenience, providing 24/7 online access to all your inspection records. It is interactive, allowing you to upload supporting documents such as drawings, materials lists, photographs, calibration reports etc.

Reports available through Connect portal include:

  • Reports of Thorough Examination
  • Crane Examination Checklists
  • Cargo carrying unit (CCU) reports
  • Suite Of NDT Reports, MPI, LPI, UT, ECI, PAUT
  • Hull integrity management reports
  • Wall thickness reports
  • Threaded connection inspection reports
  • Visual inspection reports
  • Hose management
  • EX inspection

Why Sparrows?

Empire Trusthold Offshore Services Limited is a UKAS Accredited Inspection Body to ISO/IEC 17020 for both Lifting and NDT, meaning we are accredited by a government agency to perform an accredited scope of inspections. We offer robust inspection quality management with assured and verified competent inspectors, demonstrating our commitment to impartiality and independence in our inspection service delivery, whilst showing commitment to continual improvement.

Save costs with Empire Trusthold by using multi-disciplined inspectors completing multiple scopes per mobilisation. Assured competence of personnel - one of only 30 organisations globally to hold OPITO accredited Competency Management System. At Sparrows, we offer a paper-free efficient service with all reports delivered online with inspectors all having iPads to speed up the reporting process.