
Mechanical handling engineering for gas cooler unit replacement

Skidding and mechanical handling systems are often the only option when critical equipment that needs to be replaced is located in an inaccessible area.


  • Bespoke equipment to enable the initial removal of inaccessible critical equipment
  • One system for the on deck replacement for four gas coolers
  • Expert advice to ensure a fit for purpose system was delivered.


When back deck space is limited, skidding and mechanical handling systems are often the only option when you have a heavy piece of critical equipment, located in an inaccessible area, that needs to be removed and / or installed.

To facilitate the safe and efficient replacement of four gas cooler units on their FPSO, our client contracted us to conduct a front end engineering design (FEED) and supply a purpose built skidding and mechanical handling system.


We supplied our client with an efficient skidding and mechanical handling system which facilitated the accessibility of four gas coolers weighing 19Te and 26Te.

  • We provided all plans, procedures, personnel and rental equipment to support the execution of the project
  • Equipment provided included hydraulic power units (HPUs), hydraulic jacking and skidding system, heavy duty tirfors
  • A single skid track was designed which could be adapted to carry a different skid frame to suit each gas cooler
  • The design was for a bolted system as no hot work could be carried out on the vessel.


  • Design services
  • Design engineering elements
  • Onshore testing
  • Offshore implementation
  • Offshore personnel
  • Project management.
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